Data Protection and Privacy
Our Data Protection and Privacy practice is driven by a passion for guiding clients through the ever-evolving landscape of data protection laws in Turkey and in the light of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Our extensive knowledge covers full range of privacy services including the preparation of detailed risk analysis reports, and roadmaps, comprehensive privacy compliance projects, as well as the drafting and revision of legal documentation together with privacy policies and procedures.
We assist our clients in structuring the process with privacy by design perspective, development and implementation of effective data breach management and incident response plans, including providing advisory services on lawful cross-border data transfer matters.
In addition to these core offerings, we extend our commitment to data protection through training seminars tailored for clients’ operational teams. We conduct required audits to create awareness regarding data protection and cybersecurity. With the invaluable contribution of our team of IT advisors, we provide a unique blend of business-focused, pragmatic, and technical perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive approach to data protection.
Our success stories span across various industries, where we have assisted clients in the development and implementation of robust data protection strategies.